Not Keeping Up with the Blog – Special Announcement

Keeping up with this blog has taken it's toll on my family and my health so I'm shutting it down.
That's right, I'm calling it quits because sitting for hours in front of the computer, not getting enough face time with human friends, and telling my kids not to bother me because I'm busy on my blog has driven a wedge between me and my cozy family unit.

Smile of the Week: Shampoo Alert!

As I was washing my hair this morning, I took time to read my shampoo bottle.  I am in shock!  The shampoo I use in the shower that runs down my entire body says “for extra volume and body”!   Seriously, why have I not noticed this before?  Now I understand why I am so “full-figured”! […]

First Grade Homework: Mommy on a Dance Pole?

It's been a while since I've posted a “Smile of the Week,” but a loyal reader sent me this one…enjoy!
A first grade girl handed in the drawing below for her homework assignment.


Smile of The Week

  Getting ready for summer?