The Police and San Diego Reunite

Sting and The Police were back in town after a twenty five year absence. I was at San Diego Sate University…

The Simpsons at Comic-Con 2008, more …

Surprise Visit from the Jonas Brothers in San Diego

How timely! After posting the previous blog about the Jonas Brothers, they made a surprise appearance on May 19th at Adobe Bluffs Elementry School in San Diego, which apparently won an online contest. Can you imagine how exciting it must have been to have the most popular teen band in the United States actually performing on your own school's playground? But […]

Tasteless Texting

I was driving my daughter and her friends to the mall the other day, when I noticed an eerie silence in the car. When I looked behind me, I was surprised to see all four with their heads down and their eyes fixed on their tiny phone screens, fingers furiously pecking at the minute key pads.

Move Over Miley! Make Room for the Squeaky Clean Jonas Brothers

If you havent' heard of the Jonas Brothers by now, you probably don't have …