Patch Post: How the Presidential Election is Just Like Grade School

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Patch Post: Twilight Cast at Comic-Con 2012

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Comic-Con Volunteer and Coronado Local Featured on Patch

After four years of literally running from the bowels of the San Diego Convention Center (#SDCC) to green rooms, holding areas, press lines, panels, and loading docks shepherding celebrities and their entourages to their designated spots at the world famous Comic-Con, my son, Alejandro Valle, tells the Coronado Patch what it’s like to be a volunteer and […]

More than $1,000 for Prom? Patch Post

My Latest Patch Article: Trayvon Martin’s Death – A Teachable Moment?

What will you tell your children about how to avoid placing themselves in a similar situation as Trayvon Martin was in? Read the full artice at Coronado Patch.