The dark-comedy movie trend continues with Warner Brother’s release of Seth Gordon's “Horrible Bosses.” Jason Sudeikis and Charlie Day are paired up once again (“Going the Distance”), and led by Jason Bateman in this big-boy comedy about three friends, Nick (Bateman), Kurt (Sudeikis), and Dale (Day) at their wits end at work.


The three-guy “Hangover” formula is at its best in this hysterical film which actually lives up to the trailers and gives you more laughs than expected.

Kevin Spacey stars as an obsessive-compulsive control freak intent on making his long-time employee, Nick, suffer before promoting him.  In the meantime, Kurt inherits a conniving coke-head for a boss after his father, the company owner, suddenly dies.  And Dale, well, he has a different sort of problem, one that will make you laugh right through your cringing face at Jennifer Aniston’s dirty-boss mouth while getting some eyefuls of her brunette, sizzling hot body.

After putting up with aberrant bosses, the trio starts pounding drinks after hours and manages to work up the nerve to concoct a plan to whack their evil superiors. They head to the seedy part of town looking for a hit man where they meet Motherf*#!er Jones (Jaime Foxx), an ex-con who takes their money in exchange for advice on how to carry out a perfect crime.

That’s when it all goes perfectly wrong.

This funny film manages to deliver one of the few razor-sharp comedy scripts in a while with an equally sharp cast; Jamie Foxx, Colin Farrell, Donald Sutherland and Julie Bowen (“Modern Family”) round out this witty cast of oddballs who won’t let you down.

This film is rated “R” for strong language, adult content, and adult situations.  This is not a movie you should take your 14 year-old to watch. The language is crude and very crass.

Run-time: 100 minutes

I give this adult movie imageimageimage out of 5!

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