Get ready for the fun-filled and visually stunning animated film, “Kung Fu Panda 3” kicking down theater doors tomorrow, January 29! DreamWorks Animation brings us the third installment in the successful “Kung Fun Panda” franchise featuring Po, the lovable panda voiced by the equally endearing Jack Black, as he grows up and tries to understand who […]
Review: Dive Into “The Finest Hours,” The True Story of An Epic Rescue
Bring your galoshes and raincoats to see Disney’s “The Finest Hours.” According to the film’s director, Craig Gillespie, you’re meant to feel the soggy, cold fury mother nature unleashed on the east coast February 18, 1952. “The Finest Hours” recreates one of the U.S. Coast Guard’s most heroic small boat rescues on record. Brian Webber (Chris Pine) is a […]
Outdoor Movie Date Night for Valentine’s Day at The Headquarters
We celebrated 25 years of marriage last year (woo hoo!). As you can imagine, my husband and I have had our fair share of Valentine’s Day celebrations, so we’re always looking for fun and different things to do on this special day. Since we love movies, this year we plan to be at The Headquarters for an Outdoor Movie Date Night Friday, February 12th. […]
“101 Movies” Sells Over 58,000 Copies! Sold at Scholastic Book Fairs (Video)
Thanks to everyone who’s bought “101 Movies To See Before You Grow Up,” Quarto Kids. It has sold over 58,000 copies! (Book trailer by Bianca Valle, my daughter, Film and TV graduate, NYU Tisch School of the Arts) To get your own signed and dedicated copy, use the PayPal button or email me at The […]
Coronado Island Film Festival: A Successful Fusion of Old and New Hollywood
The inaugural Coronado Island Film Festival (CIFF) successfully fused old Hollywood with the contemporary film industry this past weekend. I’ve been fortunate to have been invited to attend a few of the festivals in the SoCal circuit: San Diego Film Festival, Catalina and the La Costa Film Festivals. So I had high expectations for the festival in my own […]