Star Wars: The Force Awakens New Character Posters

I think we are being misled. Luke Skywalker is plainly missing from this new collection of “Star Wars: The force Awakens” character posters. Or is he…    

“Suffragette” Inspires #HopeforOurDaughters Gender Equality Campaign

What is #HopeForOurDaughters? Make gender equality a reality in our lifetime. Take a photo and share your hope for future generations of women on Instagram with hashtag #HopeforourDaughters. For every post, we’ll donate $1 to Equality Now. Watch the #HopeForOurDaughters video here and visit to learn more about how you can help make change […]

You’re Invited to a Book Signing of “101 Movies” with Suzette Valle

More dates and venues just added!  I hope to see you at one of these events.

Energy103.7 to Host ‘Mommy & Me’ Activities at AJ’s Kids Crane

UPDATED Schedule for Mommy and Me activities and complimentary lunch! Check it out and remember: YOU  MUST BRING A NEW, UNWRAPPED TOY TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE ACTIVITIES! Donate a toy at AJ’s Kids Crane for Rady Children’s Hospital, and you could meet a princess, play on the Tumble Gym Bus,  hang with Kid […]