“Goodbye Christopher Robin” is the story of A.A. Milne, the author and his family, that inspired the beloved “Winnie the Pooh” and “The House at Pooh Corner” stories, published in 1926 and 1928 respectively.
October 11th is National Bring Your Teddy Bear To Work Day. To celebrate, Fox Searchlight Pictures sent me this very special replica of the original teddy bear Christopher Robin owned.
Winnie’s Story
“In 1921, Daphne Milne bought a teddy bear at Harrods, the famous department store in London, for the birthday of her son, Christopher Robin. The classic mohair bear, produced at the Farnell factory in West London (a brand now owned by Merrythought), was named Edward and became young Christopher Robin’s constant companion.
Following a trip to the London Zoo, Christopher Robin decided to rename his bear after the zoo’s own resident black bear, Winnipeg, or Winnie for short.”
The teddy bear I received came in a gorgeous keepsake box. It’s a detailed replica of the Edward bear, handmade by Merrythought, to the one Christopher Robin fell in love with.
My son’s nickname was Pooh when he was a toddler (now 25 years old) because he watched Winnie-the-Pooh movies on a loop. Like Christopher Robin, he also got a teddy bear as a present. He named him Mimi, a shorten version of the word “dormir” which means to sleep in Spanish. Mimi went everywhere our son went. The stuffed bear traveled and was allowed to leave the house until the day he was left behind on a family trip to the Bahamas in 1998. Tears and disappointment followed. But a kind hotel housekeeper found him, and Mimi was sent to us by FedEx (my husband jokes that he arrived with braids and beads in his fur, LOL!).
Mimi hasn’t left the house since that fateful trip. But he has been well loved. The small stuffed animal’s fur is worn out by the many hugs over the years. Most children have a precious item that brings them comfort and security during difficult moments. These items are treasured for years (if not forever) by the child and the family. We still have Mimi, see?
Mimi might be allowed to go out of the house to his owner’s workplace for #NationalBringYourTeddyBearToWorkDay October 11th. Will you be taking yours to work, too? Post your pictures or video with your teddy bear using the hashtags #GoodByeChristopherRobin #NationalBringYourTeddyBearToWorkDay for us to see!
The movie, Goodbye Christopher Robin, opens in select theaters October 13th!
Rated PG
Runtime 1 hour 47 minutes
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