Marge Simpson Inspires Exclusive MAC Cosmetics for Comic-Con

M·A·C Cosmetics recently announced their collaboration with THE SIMPSONS and their Marge Simpson-inspired collection.  The collection will be available in stores everywhere on September 4(and online at on August 28) but will be sold exclusively for ONE DAY ONLY during San Diego’s Comic-Con on Saturday, July 26 at the M·A·C Cosmetics Gaslamp store located at 234 Fifth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92191.


The Simpsons MAC Costmetics


Of her favorite pieces in the collection, Marge says, “They’re all so great, but I must say that Lisa’s Spikes really works well with my skin tone and of course, Beehive Blue complements my hair perfectly.”

Fans are invited to visit the store for this one day only opportunity to purchase the collection and also receive a Marge makeover from the ten piece collection that includes nail stickers ($16.50), eye shadows ($44), lipglasses ($16.50), and lashes ($18.50).



  1. oh my goodness that is so cute! What will they come up with next! I wish I could go to Comic Con this year!

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