Is it too early for Halloween posts? Not entirely. Especially if you’ve been to any mass retailer who’s already decked out their shopping halls with bows of holly!
Let’s slow down and take one holiday at time, shall we? Enjoying holiday traditions is a special time in our homes; decorating and bonding over cooking meals or preparing themed desserts adds that special touch needed to create cherished memories with your family.
But who wants to spend unnecessary time in the kitchen cooking, especially after cleaning up the mess carving the pumpkin left behind, right? (This alone conjures up some frightening memories for me!)
I know, making messes in the kitchen with your kids is half the fun! So after throwing away the gooey pumpkin innards and tossing the newspaper you laid down to catch the magical mess in the trash, you can move on to celebrate your masterpiece with a nice dessert.
Thanks to the folks at, here’s a scary easy recipe for Ghouly Cupcakes you can make with or for your family for Halloween!
One of the first things I check about a recipe before I take it on, is how long or complicated it is. That’s why I always read the information on Prep Time and Level at the top of each recipe.

Prep Time and Level of Difficulty are a good indicators of my ability to tackle a recipe. Photo FoodNetwork
Baking from scratch is such a treat and something I don’t do often enough, but wish I did. Now that my kids are away at college, I just may try to scare up some home-made baked goods to get ready for the next stage if my life: Care-package sender. (What? You thought I was going to say grandmother?!)
For step-by-step directions to make these ghoulish treats make sure to check out FOODNETWORK.COM.
What a fun and easy idea! Those cupcakes are fantastic! 🙂
They are, Lua. As good as they look!
It’s not too early! Since we got our first rain here in Northern CA – it finally feels a little like Fall. Thanks for sharing!
Lynne, How are you? So nice to see you back in these parts! I’ve been holding back from going into full Fall mode. October 1st is my official start date. Might just celebrate it with these cupcakes. Happy Fall!