Last Day To Enter ICBINB Giveaway!

The Prize package contains the following:

 . $25 American Express gift card

. Crate and Barrel Platter with two spatulas

. Two I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Recipes.

To be eligible for this Giveaway enter a comment on this post (click link). Increase your chances by taking any of the following actions and then commenting separately about each action taken:

1. Follow @ICBINotbutter on Twitter

2. Sign up for ICBINotButter newsletter

3. Follow me @MamarazziKnowsB on Twitter

4. Facebook or Twitter about this.

That's it and good luck!!


  1. Anonymous says:

    Oooh…I'd love to win a gift card and the platter 🙂

  2. Anonymous says:

    Great giveaway! I did start following @ICBINotbutter on Twitter, too.

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